Adaptable Inclusive Learning Hubs from TG Escapes: fast and cost-effective
Almost one in five students in English schools require additional support due to SEND, including autism, which represents 33 per cent of all students with an EHCP.
New areas need to be created quickly
The Education Secretary has identified that specialist provision is expensive but does not satisfy parents or teachers. She believes local inclusive mainstream schools are the way forward.
The existing school estate is failing to meet the needs of these students, and therefore, new areas will have to be created quickly.
Modern construction methods are well understood to be a quick and cost-effective way to provide education buildings.
However, there are many misconceptions about the suitability of modular construction for students on the autism spectrum around robustness, acoustics, lack of design flexibility, bouncy floors, etc.
16-place and 32-place designs
TG Escapes, through original end-user research and in collaboration with Haverstock Architects and The Blue Iris Partnership, has designed inclusive learning hubs using its modular timber frame system.
The 16-place and 32-place designs meet the comprehensive requirements of the DfE Output Specification (Spec 21) for robustness, fire safety, acoustics and sustainability, while being adaptable for the ever more complex needs being encountered.
Timber frame construction is inherently robust. As a natural product, timber has an impressive strength-weight ratio, making it the perfect construction product.
Acoustic walls for neurodivergent students
Internal partitions are formed using structural timber, unlike many who choose non-structural studs for partitions.
Walls have severe-duty plasterboard, which has the highest robustness rating available.
Acoustic standards in BB93: Acoustic design of schools, for neurodivergent and hearing-impaired SEN students, are achieved with standardised acoustic wall types, along with Class A Ceilings and Acoustic Bass Pads.
The hubs are also designed with funding requirements in mind, allowing academies, free schools, and local authorities to confidently apply for grants.
Individual designs for your specific needs
We understand that each site is unique, so our team provides designs tailored to your specific needs, taking into account ground conditions, access, and other factors.
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