Autism TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children)
January 2017, 23rd-25th, Cost £391.00
June 2017, 26th-28th, Cost £391.00
Led By Professor Gary Mesibov.
Induction: Classroom style
Venue: Kettering Conference Centre, Thurston Drive, Kettering, Northants NN15 6PB. UK
This induction training is most appropriate for:
- Educators
- Therapists
- Administrators
- Paraprofessionals
- Families
The primary aim of the TEACCH programme is to prevent unnecessary institutionalisation by helping to prepare people with autism to live or work more effectively at home, at school, and in the community.
Special emphasis is placed on helping autistic people and their families to live together more effectively by reducing or removing autistic behaviour.
Clients served
Professionals have used a variety of names for the severe disorders treated by this programme. These include childhood psychosis, childhood schizophrenia, infantile autism, developmental disabilities, severe emotional disturbances, aphasia with behaviour disturbance and pervasive developmental disorders.
Services provided
The major services provided by Division TEACCH include diagnosis and assessment, individualised treatment, training for professionals and parents.
Who should be referred?
Any person with severe delay or deviancy in communication, social or emotional development needs developmental evaluation. Someone exhibiting a developmental pattern that included some of the characteristics listed above should be referred to the TEACCH system for psycho-educational evaluation aimed at making treatment decisions.
Continuing treatment
The purpose of treatment is to maximise adaption for each client through the two related efforts of improving the clients’ skills for living and structuring the environment to accommodate specific client deficits.
Treatment is focused on six interrelated areas:
1. Developing special ways in which the client can enjoy and understand other people and live in better accord at home.
2. Increasing the clients motivation to explore and learn.
3. Improving uneven development of intellectual functions. Therapists
and teachers assess the clients learning abilities and design teaching methods and strategies in appropriate developmental sequences to improve the clients communication, social and coping skills. In collaboration with the family, behaviour modification programme’s and self-help skills are also developed. All programming is designed to meet the needs of each client and family by forming an Individualised Education Programme (IEP).
4. Overcoming impairments in fine and gross perceptual motor are as through physical exercise and eye-hand activities.
5. Reducing the stress of living with a handicapped person for other members of the family.
6. Improving problems in the clients school adjustment.
TEACCH system usage
As services for people with Autism have grown, TEACCH has increased its services, to include programmes in Delaware, Indiana, Georgia, Alaska, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Maryland and Virginia, as well as in Denmark, Venezuela, Spain, Israel, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands and the United kingdom.
TEACCH induction three-day courses are all non-residential, to include buffet, light lunch and refreshments each day.
Accommodation list available on request.