HandHold Adaptive ® (www.handholdadaptive.com) creates “apps” for caregivers of those with autism.
iPrompts ®, #1 app in the Medical category on the iTunes store, is a powerful picture-prompting tool including a suite of customizable visual supports.
Caregivers use iPrompts ® to create and present picture schedules, visual timers, choices, and other visual aids.
AutismTrack TM is a data-tracking app that enables parents to enter, review and share information related to therapies, diets, supplements, medicines and interventions.
With AutismTrack TM, parents spend just a few moments each day on the path to discovering the unique patterns and trends occurring in their homes. The apps run on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
Each HandHold Adaptive app costs only $49.99 USD (£29.99, 39,99€) to download permanently (no monthly fee).