Think Autism provides naturally nurturing developmental approaches such as Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI) and Holistic Approach Neuro Development and Learning Efficiency® (HANDLE).
Think Autism also provides Parent Workshops and Professional Training.
Elisa Ferriggi of Think Autism is based in the UK and works with people internationally as required.
Parent Workshops
Think Autism provides Parent Workshops on autism-related topics such as Understanding Autism, Strategies for Autism, Sensory Differences, Developing Relationships, Behaviour Management, Communication, Toileting for Additional Needs and Sleep Awareness.
Organisations can run any or all of these workshops for parents that use their services. Some workshops are full day and some are half day. If organisations require it, bespoke workshops can be arranged.
Professional Autism Training Workshops
Think Autism provides Professional Autism Training for front-line staff such as schools, organisations, charities, businesses, family/support workers and nursery and play workers. It is provided via two-day training that is available both in-service, or for individuals to attend existing training dates.
All strategies are suitable for all ages. Training is tailored for the needs of those attending and attendees will have practical solutions to try, as well as a more thorough understanding of autism.
If organisations require it, bespoke workshops can be arranged.
Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI)
RDI® aims to address the core and unique features of autism to help the child access the developmental learning pathway by using everyday lifestyle interactions.
As a remediation programme, it is a gradual and systematic process of correcting a feature of autism (it is not a compensation program). It is a way to help children to construct and use their minds more effectively, communicate more naturally to share experiences and build connections. It teaches a child to feel competent in facing uncertainty and dynamic situations. It works on changing neurology.
As a parent training programme, it helps parents to become empowered, feel competent, re-establish the guided participation relationship and learn best how to understand their child in a way that they can make a difference in their development and quality of life.
Holistic Approach to Neuro Development and Learning Efficiency® (HANDLE)
HANDLE ® aims to enhance the sensory systems that interfere with everyday life with the use of specific movement activities tailored for the individual.
HANDLE ® is a gentle, non-drug approach that enhances neurological conditions that are causing learning or life difficulties.
Think Autism offers HANDLE Screenings to those over 5 years with mild learning and behavioural challenges. The goal of the Screening is to discover which sensory/motor systems may be contributing to academic, work and behavioural difficulties, or which may impede future learning and begin to integrate these systems.
People who come for a Screening commonly include those with dyslexia, Asperger syndrome, sensory processing disorder, dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiance, selective mutism and mild autism.
For more information about Think Autism
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Or contact Elisa to discuss your needs further:
07961 027 007