Autism at Kingwood is a specialist charity that supports autistic adults and young people to live the lives they choose.
Dr Sally Powis, our Consultant Clinical Psychologist, has worked in the NHS, charitable and private sectors with autistic people for 19 years.
Using Sally’s in-depth knowledge, and generously funded by the Shirley Foundation, we have produced FREE online training videos, available from the Autism at Kingwood website, to help parents, carers and practitioners with strategies, resources and practical tips on how to support people with autism with sexuality and relationships.
“Relationships and sexuality are fundamental to most people’s enjoyment and quality of life, and their self esteem.
“They can be a minefield for everyone, but this becomes so much more difficult if you are autistic and experience the associated difficulties with communication and interacting with others.
“These skills are the basic building blocks of any relationship, which puts autistic people at a huge disadvantage.
“Many would dearly love to have a romantic or intimate relationship, but have never had the confidence or skills to even start, or have a history of failures.
“I hope that making information available to help increase the understanding of why and how this happens, and how to help people will make it more likely for autistic people to find relationships that work for them.”
Dr Sally Powis, Clinical Psychologist, Autism at Kingwood
Topics covered include:
- Social, physical and emotional development
- Puberty
- Relationships
- What should be taught when
- Dating
- Inappropriate attachment
- Gender confusion or dysphoria
- Fetishes
- Masturbation
- Available resources
About Autism at Kingwood
Autism at Kingwood is a charity of 25 years standing that provides a range of support services for autistic people, enabling them to work towards achieving the goals and outcomes they desire in life and to fulfil their potential. Our services are person centred and the people we support live in, and are part of, their community.
Our reach spreads across the Thames Valley; we consciously go where the need is most prevalent and where we can make the most difference.
We aim to pioneer best practice in the support of autistic people, raising awareness and influencing both local and national policy.
We like to work in partnership with other organisations from a variety of backgrounds to promote and ensure recognition of the needs of autistic adults.
Click here to see the free Autism at Kingwood training videos on Autism, Relationships and Sexuality